Group 31

MH202 Biotechnology

MH203 Biological & Geographical Science

MH204 Physics with Astrophysics

MH206 Theoretical Physics with Mathematics

MH207 Data Science

Friday 23 September

9.00 am

Registration Verification


10.00 am

Welcome to Maynooth:

Getting Ready for University Life

Aula Maxima

11.00 am

Welcome Reception

TSI 027 (TSI Building)

12.00 noon

Meet your Students’ Union

Student Centre

Event Timeslots (4)

Welcome to Maynooth: Getting Ready for University Life
Friday 23 September
Aula Maxima
my-mu-wpsite my-mu-wpsite

Welcome Reception
Friday 23 September
TSI 027 (TSI Building)
my-mu-wpsite my-mu-wpsite

Registration Verification
Friday 23 September
my-mu-wpsite my-mu-wpsite

Meet your Students’ Union
Friday 23 September
Student Centre
my-mu-wpsite my-mu-wpsite