University life has many aspects that aren’t directly attached to the course itself. It’s also about life outside the classroom, finding groups of like-minded people to pursue hobbies with. It’s cultural, it’s social and it’s also about looking after yourself and learning to live away from home.

Maynooth is brimming with supports and services as well as many opportunities to get involved in student life including clubs and societies, all of which can help you thrive at University.

Moodle – Your Virtual Learning Environment


Moodle login page preview.

Moodle login page preview.

Moodle is MU’s Virtual Learning Environment (VLE). It is an online space where students and staff interact with each other and where you can access course resources, activities and assignments.

There are a range of supports to help you get started with Moodle. You can begin by viewing our introductory Moodle Video Guides, which are available from the Centre for Teaching and Learning website. In addition, the Moodle Help for Students resource page in Moodle includes online video and text guides to support you in using Moodle.

The Moodle Support Helpdesk is also available to answer your queries in relation to Moodle. You can contact the Moodle Support team by emailing

Moodle Support also offers weekly virtual drop-in clinics where you can get help with Moodle, Turnitin and the Moodle App – details available in the Moodle Dashboard.

Academic Supports

Starting a college course can mean getting used to a different style of learning than you have been used to.  It can mean being very unsure whether the choices you have made are right for you. 

So, whether you need some help with your course, would like tips on academic writing or need to talk to someone about your subjects, we have the supports to get you where you need to be. 

Academic icons.

Student Services

Your student experience is about taking on new challenges and meeting new people, exploring opportunities for yourself and discovering who you are.

We have a range of supports to help students through their studies. You may need these at some point so familiarise yourself with them

  • Student Health Centre for medical needs.
  • Student Budgeting offers support and advice with managing your money for University. 
  • Chaplaincy is a support for students throughout their University journey for those of all faiths and none.
  • Counselling (free and confidential)  offers one-to-one counselling and support on a wide range of psychological and mental health issues.
  • Student Support Officer offers personal and practical guidance and support to students and offers a safe and welcoming space. 
  • Crèche for your child-care needs
  • Student Support Hub if you know you need help but you’re unsure who to ask, you can drop in and talk to us.
  • is an online self-service listing of off-campus accommodation.
  • Student Helpdesk is a one-stop-shop for all your questions.
  • Student Advisory within Student Services, helping you to navigate your time at Maynooth.
  • Healthy Campus supporting your health and wellbeing.

Other student supports are located in other part of the campus including IT Services, who take care of all the systems (Office365, Moodle, StudentWeb) you’ll be using on and off campus. Our Careers and Employability Service are geared to helping students find employment during and after your studies and the International Office can help you study abroad if that’s something you want to explore.

Subject Talks

On Tuesday 10 and Wednesday 11 September we will be hosting a series of Subject Information Talks on campus to help students with their subject choices in advance of registration. Join us (check the schedule) and ask our staff anything that’s on your mind about our Arts or Science degrees or any of our courses.  We are here to help!