16 – 20 September

Welcome Week (16 – 20 September) is an opportunity for all new students starting in Maynooth University to:​

  • Familiarise yourself with the University and its various departments
  • Meet new friends
  • Meet your lecturers
  • Explore various subject and programme options (where relevant)
  • Learn about the various supports services available to you
  • Explore the student life opportunities open to our students, including Clubs and Societies, Students’ Union, Volunteering, etc.

You are assigned your Welcome Week group based on your course. MH101, MH201, MH404 and MH502 students will be assigned to their respective groups in the registration email which will be sent on Monday 9 September.


We are excited to welcome you to our wonderful campus. In addition to our Subject Talks, there will be many other events taking place on campus. We’ve created a helpful schedule of events (below) so you can plan your visit, and you will have a personalised schedule as well.


Image preview: Welcome Week Schedule Of Events.


Welcome Week Schedule of Events (PDF)


Screen reader friendly schedule 



We also have a dedicated Orientation Moodle page covering additional key information for settling in and getting to know Maynooth. The Moodle page has lots of activities and also some discussion forums for connecting with your fellow classmates. You’ll have access to this Moodle page 24/7 throughout your 1st year, and we’ll post new updates at the relevant time of year. Sign in below. (MU login required.)


MyMaynooth Moodle preview.


MyMaynooth on Moodle 


Subject Talks

On Tuesday 10 and Wednesday 11 September we will be hosting a series of Subject Information Talks on campus to help students with their subject choices in advance of registration. Join us (check the schedule) and ask our staff anything that’s on your mind about our Arts or Science degrees or any of our courses.  We are here to help!


Consent Training

Maynooth University is committed to the development of an institutional campus culture which is safe, respectful, supportive and positive. Prior to in-person registration, all incoming students are asked to complete a 30-minute online workshop on consent. This training will provide you with knowledge and skills that will help you to keep yourself safe and enjoy your college experience. The workshop can be found on Moodle, Maynooth’s Virtual Learning Environment. It is available to access 24/7 once you have received your Maynooth login details.